Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quantic Dream is at it Again

The folks behind Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain released another amazing tech-demo at San Francisco's Game Developers Conference.  They blew people away when they released "The Audition" which became the basis for Heavy Rain.  Now they are showing off "Kara" and I couldn't be more excited about what they might do with the engine.  This isn't a game in progress, mind you, it's just a demonstration of what they can do with their new graphics engine.  Quantic Dream has a history of amazing ideas and solid tech that falls short as a "game" but that's no reason to think this couldn't work!  We'll see what they are cooking up next, but "Kara" has me starry-eyed with the possibilities.  And if not Quantic Dream, maybe someone else will use the engine to make something incredible.  Check out Geoff Keighley's interview with David Cage at Game Trailers, too! (via Game Trailers)

This eventually evolved into Heavy Rain

This is the new short "Kara"

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